Notice is hereby given that the Contractors Licensing Board and the Residential Contractors Committee will hold a public hearing on their proposed changes to their Rules. The Public Hearing will be held on June 07, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. at the offices of the Contractors Licensing Board, 4100 Richards Road, North Little Rock, AR. Written comments from the public will be accepted in advance of the meeting if received prior to June 07, 2022. Written comments should be mailed to: Contractors Licensing Board, 4100 Richards Road, North Little Rock, AR 72117. Proposed modifications to the Rules include, but are not limited to: Subcontractor Registration; Bond in Lieu of a Financial Statement; Military Licensure; Fee Waivers; Criminal Background Checks; Residential Roofer Registrations; and grammatical and stylistic changes to existing rules. Copies of the proposed Rules may be reviewed at the Boards website: .
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The Arkansas Department of Labor and Licensing seeks to promote workplace health and safety through consultation and enforcement; protect employers and employees from financial burden imposed by work-related injury and disease; and provide consumer protection through occupational licensing as authorized by Arkansas law.
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